What happens to teeth after root canal treatment? Do I need to get a crown?


Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that aims to preserve a damaged tooth. Although root canal treatment can help save the original tooth, since the pulp tissue is removed during the treatment process, teeth after root canal treatment have very different characteristics and usability compared to normal teeth.

What happens to teeth after root canal treatment?

1.Discoloration of teeth

After root canal treatment, as the nerve tissues that maintain the tooth color are removed and the tooth lacks a blood supply, the tooth color may turn gray or black, especially if the treated tooth is a front tooth, which can significantly affect the appearance of the tooth.

2.Teeth become fragile

The pulp tissue inside the tooth provides nutrition and protection for the tooth. Without the pulp, teeth after root canal treatment become very fragile and cannot withstand large biting forces, even with a crown. Therefore, the dentist will usually advise the patient to avoid chewing hard foods, such as bones and hard shells, to prevent the tooth from cracking.

3.Need regular maintenance and follow-up visits

Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment may also have the potential for re-infection or require another round of root canal treatment. Therefore, patients should maintain good oral hygiene and regularly see the dentist for dental check-ups to detect any tooth problems early.

The importance of getting a crown after root canal treatment

After completing root canal treatment, the dentist may recommend that the patient gets a crown to protect the tooth. At this point, many patients may hesitate or wonder whether they should spend the money on getting a crown. However, the dentist's recommendation is absolutely necessary. The following are the benefits of getting a crown after root canal treatment.

1.Prevent tooth fracture

Teeth after root canal treatment become very fragile, and there is a risk of the tooth breaking when biting on something. If the tooth fracture is severe, with damage to the root, even another round of root canal treatment may not be able to fix it, and the tooth may ultimately need to be extracted. Therefore, a crown can protect the tooth and prevent tooth fracture and bacterial invasion.

2.Improve tooth appearance

After root canal treatment, teeth may turn gray due to the loss of nerve tissues, making them appear lifeless. A crown can cover the discolored tooth and improve the overall appearance of the teeth.

3.Reduce the risk of re-infection

After the root canal treatment is completed, the dentist will use a filling material to restore the tooth crown, but its protective ability for the interior of the tooth is very limited. Once the filling material wears down after some time, bacteria can re-invade the interior of the tooth, leading to re-infection. A crown can provide maximum protection for the root canal treated tooth and reduce the risk of bacteria re-entering the tooth.

Listen to the dentist's professional advice

In most cases, a crown is recommended to protect the tooth after root canal treatment, but there are also situations where the root canal treated tooth only needs partial restoration and does not require a crown.The dentist will assess the condition of the tooth and make recommendations accordingly. Therefore, whether a crown is needed after root canal treatment mainly depends on the condition of the tooth and the professional advice of the dentist.