Dentures.Dental Bridges.Dental Crowns

If the missing teeth are not replaced, it may lead to bigger problems in the future

Teeth may become loosen and fall out or need extraction if they are having severe dental problems. If the missing tooth is not replaced, the surrounding bone will have resorption with time. Therefore the later the problem is treated, the more severe the problem will be.

How to replace missing teeth, and restore chewing ability?

There are mainly 3 ways to replace missing teeth: Dental Implants, Dental Bridges, and Dentures. They all have pros and cons, Dentists will advise the most suitable option for patients based on their medical and dental conditions, time and budget considerations.

Prosthodontic Treatments

The choice of Prosthodontic Treatment is based on different patient’s medical and dental conditions, and the patient's own considerations such as time and budget. It is necessary to have consultation with Dentist for a full assessment before making the most suitable decision.

Removable Dentures

Removable Dentures are removable prostheses for replacement of missing teeth without any surgery needed.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges are fixed prostheses used to replace one or more teeth. The teeth adjacent to the missing tooth / teeth will need to be grinded smaller for the Dental Bridge to be cemented onto.

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns are fixed prosthesis to protect severely broken down teeth, restore teeth shape or conceal teeth with discolourations.

Removable Dentures

When there are multiple teeth being extracted or lost due to caries, periodontal disease or trauma, Removable Denture can be considered. The material and method used nowadays for Removable Dentures are much improved, and the wearing comfortability has also been greatly enhanced. If patients can adapt to wearing Removable Dentures well, it will help with the followings:

Help to restore masticatory functions
Improve patient’s speech
Restore the patient’s facial appearance by giving more soft tissue support, which is lost when multiple teeth are lost or edentulous

Types of Removable Dentures

Removable Dentures mainly to be retained intraorally by oral muscle control by cheek and tongue.

Removable Denturesare mainlydivided into 2 types:Partial Removable Dentures and Complete Removable Dentures. Partial Removable Dentures are for patients still having healthy teeth for support of dentures, while Complete Removable Dentures are for fully edentulous patients. Removable Dentures are relatively economical, but it takes time for patients to get used to them. Besides, Removable Dentures need to be adjusted from time to time, according to change in oral condition. For example, if more teeth are lost, the removable denture will have to be modified or remade.

Partial Removable Dentures

Partial Removable Dentures are for patients who still have some healthy teeth for support of dentures. These Dentures are made using metal hooks over adjacent healthy teeth to hold the dentures in place.

Complete Removable Dentures

Complete Removable Dentures are for edentulous patients, These Dentures mainly rely on the oral muscles to hold the Denture in place. They are made mainly by acrylic resins, with colours of the teeth and gum to restore aesthetics for patients.

Overdentures:An overdenture is a denture, the base of which covers one or more teeth, prepared roots or implants.An overdenture is usually used for elderly patients that have lost some teeth but not all, rendering them suitable for a set of full dentures. The overdenture is not rigid in the mouth; it is removable.

Implant-supported Overdentures

Supported by Dental Implants, Complete Removable Dentures can have better stability at a lower cost when compared to full-mouth Dental Implant Treatment. Generally speaking, for edentulous patient, 4 Implants will be needed over upper jaw and 2 Implants will be needed over lower jaw. They are connected to the Denture by ball and socket joints or magnets, hence greatly reduce the movement during eating, improving masticatory ability and comfortability.

Dental Bridges

When is Dental Bridges more suitable?

If you have lost only 1-2 teeth, and want to have a fixed prosthesis other than Dental Implant, this will be an option. But if you have more than 2 teeth missing, other options should be considered.

What are the Pros and Cons of Dental Bridges?

Dental Bridges are one of the cost-effective way to replace missing tooth, it is fixed and more comfortable than Removable Dentures. Generally speaking, Dental Bridges can be used for about 10-15 years, but their lifespan may be shorten due to many oral factors. Also the grinded teeth on both sides may have problems with time, if the Dental Bridge is not taken good care of after placement.

What kind of assessments are needed?

Dentist will evaluate the condition of adjacent teeth, to see if they are healthy enough to withstand the occlusal force for Dental Bridge support. Number of missing teeth is also a consideration, if the Dental Bridge is too long, the occlusal force over support teeth may be too big, and problems may occur.

Dental Bridges VS Dental Implants
Which is better?

Dental Bridges is more economical treatment
Dental Bridges do not need surgical procedures, and usually takes short time
Dental Bridges need to consider the health of the adjacent teeth, if not probably managed, it may cause bone resorption or caries to them.
Dental Bridges need very carefully cleaning using special floss. If not properly done, dental health may be affected
The edentulous area will have bone resorption

Procedures for Dental Bridges

  • Examination and Diagnosis

    With X-ray and Intraoral scanning, Dentist can have a detailed examination of patient’s oral condition, and discuss treatment plan with patient

  • Dental Records Taking

    Dentist will grind the teeth adjacent to missing tooth at required shape, then take dental records with Intraoral Scanning for Dental Bridge manufacturing

  • Dental Bridge Cementation

    When the tailor-made Dental Bridge is done, and after fitting trial, the Dental Bridge will be cemented by Dentist

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns are fixed prosthesis to protect severely broken down teeth, restore teeth shape or conceal teeth with discolourations.

Dental Crowns can be taken care of by routine oral care. Patients need to maintain good oral hygiene in order to avoid gingivitis, gum recession or caries. Also try to avoid hard food to prevent Dental Crown fracture or chipped.

Different materials for Dental Crowns

Metal Crowns

Full Metal Crowns rarely chip or fracture and can withstand high occlusal force. But its metallic colour affects aesthetics and can only be used for posterior teeth such as molars

Full Porcelain Crowns

Full Porcelain Crowns look similar to natural teeth. However, they are not as strong as Metal Crowns. They are often used for anterior teeth, for best aesthetic effect. Also, as the material is thick, the underlying tooth needs to be grinded more to allow fitting of the crown.

Ceramometal Crowns

Ceramometal Crowns, also known as Porcelain-fused-to-Metal Crowns, have Porcelain bond onto the surface of Metal base. They have better aesthetics than Full Metal Crowns, and are stronger than Full Porcelain Crowns. However, the metal beneath the Porcelain cap may be visible as a dark line along the gum margin. It can be used for both anterior and posterior teeth.

Procedures for Dental Crowns

  • Examination and Diagnosis

    With X-ray and Intraoral scanning, Dentist can have a detailed examination of patient’s oral condition, and discuss treatment plans with patient

  • Dental Records Taking

    Dentist will grind the teeth at required shape, then take dental records with Intraoral Scanning for Dental Crown manufacturing

  • Fitting Trial

    After the tailor-made Dental Crown is made, Dentist will do fitting trial on patient’s tooth

  • Dental Bridge Cementation

    After fitting trial, if everything is good, the Dental Crown will be cemented by Dentist

Frequently Asked Questions

Prosthodontic Treatment helps patients to regain aesthetics and the pleasure of eating. The type of treatment needed depends on the patient's dental and medical conditions. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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