Frequently Asked Questions
Tooth Extractions and Dental Surgeries are not as scary as you may imagine. If the dental problem worsens due to fear, the treatment will become more complicated, with higher risks, and may require more complex treatment. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.
Wisdom Tooth, if not erupted properly, can cause many dental problems including caries, infections and damage to surrounding teeth and oral structures, which in long term will worsen overall dental health. Therefore, it is advised to remove Wisdom Teeth is repeated infections occur.
X-rays and CBCT scans are needed before Wisdom Tooth Extraction, for detailed examination and diagnosis of dental condition before Extraction.
This is technically possible. But for the sake of more comfortable experience, it is advised to extract 2 Wisdom teeth over one side in one visit, then after the wounds heal up, the other 2 Wisdom teeth over another side be removed, to facilitate the ease of chewing during wound healing.
Usually there is no need. Regular reviews are advised after Coronectomy. Dental roots may move a bit further away from the nerve after Coronectomy, and their removal will pose less risks if needed to be removed.
- Do not rinse your mouth on the day of Extraction or Surgery
- On soft diet, do not eat something hard
- Do not use your fingers or tongue to disturb the blood clot over wound
- Do not smoke, drink alcohol or do vigorous exercises
- Following the application of Local Anaesthesia, the lips, tongue, or cheek will remain numb for at least 3-4 hours. During this period of time, these soft tissues may be easily bitten or burnt by food. Patient should be aware of this, especially for young patients
- From the next day onwards, patient can rinse mouth with warm saline water so as to keep the wound clean (dissolve ½ teaspoonful of table salt in a small glass of warm water)
- Facial swelling is expected after Extraction or Surgery. No need to be too worried. Ice packs help in relieving the swelling and usually this will subside after 3-5 days
- Follow closely the post-treatment instructions given for prescription of medicine. If pain or swelling worsen, contact us as soon as possible
- If bleeding cannot be stopped, contact us promptly; for uncontrolled bleeding, please seek consultation from nearest A&E at the earliest convenience